Friday, March 27, 2015

Episode 10.2: GM Burnout

We talk about how to identify, prevent and repair GM Burnout

Our Guests
+Stacy Dellorfano
+Mike Evans

Saturday, March 21, 2015

Episode 10.1: Stacy & Mike

WSG Stacy Dellorfano & Mike Evans

Our Guests
+Stacy Dellorfano
+Mike Evans

Monday, March 9, 2015

DSR Actual Play: DSR Learns Fate

Invoke situational aspect: "Kickass Podcast"

Our GM
+Nathan Panke

+Edgar Johnson
+Donn Stroud
+Adam Muszkiewicz

Thursday, March 5, 2015

Epsidoe 9.1: DSR & Rafael

1234 1234 POD-CAST, POD-CAST!

Our Guest:
+Rafael Chandler
(+Mike Evans was also supposed to be on, but he got a promotion and needed to celebrate. Congratz, Mike!)